Oregon's typical quiet gray has been trying to make an early debut before fall really starts, and last week, since Dan was visiting all the way from N. Carolina, I invited him to the coast to visit my favorite place in the state. As an introvert, simple pleasures tend to set me at ease, so sitting on a fallen log watching the surf roll in - or rather, crash in, as the swell was about six foot overhead and really sweet! - for a couple hours, taking pictures, and wandering around the sand looking at crab parts was a-okay with me. Nothing beats quiet time where your heart is most content.
If anyone ever heads west to Portland and wants to know how to visit this spot, I'll give you directions or take you there. I like to pretend it's my secret place, but realistically surfers know all about it.
Back in March I bought an Instax for the trip to Mexico & constantly forget that I own the thing. There is a precious, almost holy, sense of delicacy in my mind about instant film - like, 'alright, you only get one chance with this photo, you'd better make it right!', even though I know Instax isn't disappearing off the face of the earth like Polaroid did. Since middle school I've held on to my instant film as long as I could so as not to spoil it, but I was pretty pleased to try it out in such low, diffused light that day. The photo above is my faaavorite. You can view more of them on my Flickr.
Anyway, projects coming up, new items to add to the shop soon, changes in the air. I love fall, it's the best season. Everybody around here is getting excited at the prospect of bundling up again - nobody wants to admit it, but you can tell because scarves are being broke out on the 60 degree days. Tomorrow I'm ordering a pair of beautiful, hand made shoes from goldenponies as a treat for myself this fall. No more canvas getting soaked through, yesss. Her stuff is to die for, if you like clean, simple lines, check the shop out!
Time for another chapter of Never Let Me Go, and off to bed.
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