August 17, 2011

Sailing the Columbia

Busy days around here since I've returned, I took today to slow down, breathe, and do my favorite thing: sailing.

Upstart & I headed down the Columbia on a nice heel around 6 knots, nice and steady with perfect weather. Words will never come close to expressing my love of water, or the fulfillment of your sails puffed out like a penguin's chest. If Peter Pan were here I'd tell him this is my happy place.


  1. You're very lucky sailing is accessible to you, it must be an amazing feeling. :) You have a lovely blog. Your rose photos a few posts below are so beautiful :)
    - C x

  2. Aw, thanks Claire!
    Sailing took quite a while to become as accessible as it is, Portland is fortunate to have a sailing group that teaches women!
